Monday, July 28, 2008
Look out for Elan, he is the mentor of mine in "fishing" when lecture going on..
He can "fish" for 2 1/2 hour non-stop in 3 hour of lecture..
Pro ryte?? Can't even learned up his skill..
I tried before, but the most I can try is just only 30 minutes because I scare the guard (lecturer) there will kill me..
But this guy nvr even give it a damn because he wear bullet-proof vest...
So it is safe to fish out there..
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Crime?? Kidnap?? Robbery??
Its because we wanna report
KOK HO LOST I.C!!!!!!!!!!
lmao... Report nvm la..
but what most embarrasing is we went for POLICE STATION TRAFIK.. to report such case..
Shouldn't be when we accident only we enter there??
told by one people o so call victim in accident, thats not the place to report..
So we went off, and find for another police station.. zzz
5 people enter police station for ONE people loss I.C.. crap..
So we went for another...
The police were like so "guai lan"..
Damn angry with their attitude..
Only Kok Ho can enter the premises.. zzz
so we waited outside like a nomad o some convict..
Sitting by roadside.. craping while waiting for Kok Ho..
Actually I'm not so grateful, its just because he holding my wallet..
Making me can't go home without my wallet..
One night "visit" two police station, suay suay!!! need to bath with bali leaves d..
Today I learned a new chinese phrase..
"Near Pig only eat, near ink only black"
muahahaha wat a translation...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
looks like what??
ITS A MUSHROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!
U won't find it in other college else..
Try took in Taylor's toilet.. Inti's toilet..u wont get to find it
Only METROPOLITAN can make it..
M'sia Boleh jadi METROPOLITAN pun BOLEH ma!!
Other than earning fees frem student, they can build one plantation for MUSHROOM!! hahahaha!!
*Pardon me for my lameness...XD*
Sunday, July 20, 2008
12a.m *ring ring ring*
Once I pick up the call, Saw one sleepy head girl, holding a piece of cheesecake,
And holding JR, singing birthday song…
Was totally freaked out and yet surprised..
Thought she was sleeping, coz she told me she kinda tired early on and went straight to bed…
Thx Janice & JR, both of them plays an important role in my life…
Janice & JR..
Nvr ever think of being SURPRISE by my groups of fren..
High School and Uni, as well as college fren..
But there is someone behind all this plan…
Nvr know she is such a masterminded girlfriend..
Making me almost cry out.. sob sob ^^
But in fact, I was planning to go out for some big meal..
Went up to Subang, took a bath and then went back Klang..
Lolxxx.. Thx to my bro for the “emergency” stuff and I went straight back Klang..
Only I realize, Subang water is much more fresher then Klang..
And also costly, coz I need to drive up to Subang with petrol price RM 2.70/litre to take a bath..
Also fetch SG n Karen as well
When I went back Klang, OMG!!!!
This is the first word that went thru my mind….
Few of my fren was sitting down preparing for the barbeque,
Saw a BIG RED TRITON!!!!!!!!!!!
Yea.. GIANT!!!! He was there along with Pao Li, and Jane…
Setting up barbeque..
“why so troublesome??” this is the question I keep ask them..
And Giant says Janice plan all this…
Went straight into my house to find them, but noone around..
Feeling weird, so I patiently wait..
One by one they come..
Wee Lim, Chen How, Kok Ho, Valen, Vin Sem, Vee Hong, Fu Yi, RayMond, Kai Siong and etc…
Damn speechless…
Enjoy throughout the night, but seems to be lack of someone,
Yup!! That’s right.. JANICE… its almost perfect but then she was the missing piece in the puzzle..
How I hope she is around with me on the night..
I’ve got my college-uni fren, high school fren with me, but I don have my GIRLFRIEND with me.. sob sob..
Everyone got 3 wishes when they birthday, but for me, I’m so proud that I’ve only got 1 wish this year..
And the wish is………..KEPT WITHELD!!! lolxxx
Credit given to everyone of them..
And Distinction to the "mastermind"...
Love You Guys Lotssssss
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Just a random plan and then vroom and take off..
Went to Malacca at around 9 a.m and reached at around 11a.m
Fuiyoh, Cj with his new CAMRY…. Haha.. wat a sick driver.. Slow and fast and slow and fast..
Don’t know where he gain his license..
Started off with breakfast of Chicken Ball rice in the Portugese bla bla bla..
Saw many Red building.. No idea what name of it d..
Remembered we learn it in our Standard 4 or even 6 Sejarah.. lolxxx
Melaka Bandar Bersejarah…
We ate 2 rounds, and every one of us just like predator, finished everything up not more than 20 minutes, gosh….
Round 1. go!!!!
Round 2... @@
After eating, went for a damn damn “hot” walk, regretted after that..
Try it and you’ll know why…
Saw, A Famosa, Dataran Pahlawan, and some sort of dono what building.. No Idea...
this pic is taken coz CJ told me got one dumb dumb ran up last time to take pic as it was not allowed...
I saw A FAMOSA!!!!!.. lame =.=
The first few impression for us is..
1) Hot, tot “MEL”aka, got 3 words similar as “MEL”bourne, would be somehow cooler, but we were wrong.. @@
2) many traffic light around the city
3) many museum, coz museum all around the city
4) Bad services, coz CJ don provide us with tissue when we sweat, and forbid us to go bath in his house.. zzz
5) boring, ntg much in Melaka
Forgotten d… haha
Then Journeys go on after breakfast, and we went straight up to Tangkak, Johor..
Meet up with Cj’s fren
CJ bunny?? frog?? Kok Ho posers.. lame =.=
Went to some durian jungle and pluck duriansss!!!
His fren’s dogs damn interesting, making Sex in front of us, lolxxx
But the female dog growl bcoz she refuse to giv him satisfaction.. hahahaha
Kok Ho was so interested into their move..
Then after that, we went to Muar and meet up with KayVin and his Gf..
Ate many thingy, full like hell..
Satay la, otak-otak la, wantan mee, duck rice, and etc..
Dumpling soup...
Duck Rice??
After lunch KayVin took us for a walk in Tanjung, and that’s what Malay like most,
See MONKEY, I wonder if KayVIn is one of them..
Also seaside..
not as nice as Yarra River.. ^^
At around 8, we went back to Malacca and then back Subang.
Almost met with accident and RIP.. Rest In Peace..
Luckily God Bless Us…