12a.m *ring ring ring*
Once I pick up the call, Saw one sleepy head girl, holding a piece of cheesecake,
And holding JR, singing birthday song…
Was totally freaked out and yet surprised..
Thought she was sleeping, coz she told me she kinda tired early on and went straight to bed…
Thx Janice & JR, both of them plays an important role in my life…
Janice & JR..
Nvr ever think of being SURPRISE by my groups of fren..
High School and Uni, as well as college fren..
But there is someone behind all this plan…
Nvr know she is such a masterminded girlfriend..
Making me almost cry out.. sob sob ^^
But in fact, I was planning to go out for some big meal..
Went up to Subang, took a bath and then went back Klang..
Lolxxx.. Thx to my bro for the “emergency” stuff and I went straight back Klang..
Only I realize, Subang water is much more fresher then Klang..
And also costly, coz I need to drive up to Subang with petrol price RM 2.70/litre to take a bath..
Also fetch SG n Karen as well
When I went back Klang, OMG!!!!
This is the first word that went thru my mind….
Few of my fren was sitting down preparing for the barbeque,
Saw a BIG RED TRITON!!!!!!!!!!!
Yea.. GIANT!!!! He was there along with Pao Li, and Jane…
Setting up barbeque..
“why so troublesome??” this is the question I keep ask them..
And Giant says Janice plan all this…
Went straight into my house to find them, but noone around..
Feeling weird, so I patiently wait..
One by one they come..
Wee Lim, Chen How, Kok Ho, Valen, Vin Sem, Vee Hong, Fu Yi, RayMond, Kai Siong and etc…
Damn speechless…
Enjoy throughout the night, but seems to be lack of someone,
Yup!! That’s right.. JANICE… its almost perfect but then she was the missing piece in the puzzle..
How I hope she is around with me on the night..
I’ve got my college-uni fren, high school fren with me, but I don have my GIRLFRIEND with me.. sob sob..
Everyone got 3 wishes when they birthday, but for me, I’m so proud that I’ve only got 1 wish this year..
And the wish is………..KEPT WITHELD!!! lolxxx
Credit given to everyone of them..
And Distinction to the "mastermind"...
Love You Guys Lotssssss
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