Tuesday, March 31, 2009

As time pass on, I starting to realize myself.
A timid boy, a careless boy, a lazy boy, a sleepy boy, an indecisive boy last but not least a forgetful boy.

My apartment to Uni is just a 10 minutes walk.
But I'm lazy enough to walk. sigh

Late at night, when everyone was sleeping,
I was awake and scared to sleep in the dark.

When my Uni friends told me what they done over the weekend and how organized they're,
I tend to don't know when is my assignment date due ( which is just 6 more day).

When everyone was awake in the morning at 8 a.m,
I was lazying on my bed, hoping for more time to sleep.

When I promised someone to get things done,
I tend to not get things done at time. (how i hope my bro was here as he was my organizer)

When everyone grab their decision in hand confidently,
I'm hesitating if I'm choosing the right one.

When I try to conceive myself as an independent boy, I'm starting to vague of my thinking.
Thats all for it, not gotta make it a verbose post.

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