Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sweetest Memory...

sorry for the delaying of post update..
just that i'm away from my PC for few day, many things can't be done..
but its damn worth it n fun.. don't even feeling like missing home..
went to Giant's house to pass thru my 3 days 2 night trip.. in SUBANG.. lolxxx
since i gonna be late to home these day so i decided to stay over at Giant's house..
Went to Genting on Wednesday.. its pretty fun as usual...
hanging out with frens, relax, accompany by GF...
WATS more to wish???
Woke up early at 6a.m to fetch Giant and William...
also went to Janice's house to fetch her..
Went to KL Sentral to catch bus to Genting at early, and when we went to the counter, only 10 a.m ticket is available. so just buy 10 a.m ticket and while waiting for the bus we took our brkfast at McD...

Nvr know going up to Genting can be so so fast... lmao..
the bus arrived at 10 a.m, then took off at around 10.30 a.m,
reached GENTING at around 10.40 a.m, WTF!!!!!!!!!! 30 MINUTES!!!
so damn fast, n the driver was like so rush...
rush to reborn??? lmao..
but yet still its an enjoyable trip afterall..
here is some pic of the situation in the bus...

Janice & Ron

Pretty Gal...FuiYoh!!!

Cool Pose Y.Y

Wat A sleeping pose. Karen & Giant...

Haha Rachel & Jane...

SG..damn sweet dream wei...

*these pic taken by Janice, so bad ryte.. taking all those ugly pic when you all were sleeping. haha

Janice damn bad wei, take pic when they are asleep, nvr lost off the pic to take with her oso...
damn loving those pic...^^
then when arrive at the cable car station, we took cable car to get to Genting,
So an uncle took the same cable car with us, but damn paiseh wei..
William keep saying stuff, some funny stuff la, provoking the uncle..
lolxxx bsides that, he also disturb each n every cable car that pass thru us.. haha
damn bad wei him.. but yet its funny..

bla bla bla!!!

Saw the old uncle?? haha

pretty gal in the gondola...


Love You Dear... muakzzz

reached Genting around 15 minutes later,
1st thing we did is ran towards the outdoor theme park...
but damn it, saw many ppl going thru the gate after being checked on the handwrist ticket, and when comes to us, zzz their ( genting staff) PC broke down, so we gotta wait..
as usual, we camwhore again.. hahaha^^

my masterpiece.. nice angle??

this is what we used to do.. CAMWHORE!!!!!!!!

soon the maintanence prob solved, and we step out out very first step into
1st thing to play is the SPINNING TURBIN....
near n exciting, coz there is no ppl playing and we jump in the line n sit right away...

spin spin spin......

spin away all the bad mood n all the stress from FINAL!!!


was having slightly dizzy after the spin so got to go away to take deep breath so i din throw up.. haha.. accompany by Janice, and the rest continues to play around the theme park...
took few nice n chun pic....^^
yea, take great shots from this angle with this pretty girl...

and this lovely girl is my lovely gf...

after camwhore a while, we went for the JUMBO ride... haha Janice's Fav...
kinda cute le those elephant.. long time din sit d...

look whose there??? dumbo in jumbo... haha.. =P

i were also in it.. lol

soon after meeting up with the rest, we play around again.. played all ride.
feeling so so great n fun..
let the pic do the speaking...


The Gay and the Naughty...

after the visit into "ghost house".. Giant with a sarcastic expression..

after a few game, we. ( me and Janice ) took a rest, coz they went for the corkscrew. and we're scared that we threw up, so we went for a nearby place to have a sit n look at the view of GENTING...

what are you looking at???

taking pic of me yea... ty ty ty

why not we take together??

lovely pic... hehe^^

footsteps of our loves...

its really great to always have Janice besides me...
the one who gives me power when im weak, the one to bully me when i'm bored..
and the one to scold me DUMB!!!!!

continues to play around again after resting.. lolxxx
took pic more n more..
played Sg Rejang, the bla bla bla train... and many more.. too lazy to tell out all..
as i said, let the pic do the speaking...

the posers!!!

the couple...

haha.. 3 musketeers... ( 3 monkey-tails..)

isn't it cute?? haha.. i mean the horse.. zzz

after playing, camwhore again...

yet Y.Y ate a Rm 22 chicken rice.. @@
Genting chicken special de, gold covered de.. haha
the day was just so fun..
can't really resist the joyful and happiness..
but yet time passes real fast each time we are having fun o with the one we loves...
get back to KL Sentral at around 10p.m then reached Subang 10.30p.m..
play play play and eat eat eat in Mamak till around 3 in the morning.
and it comes to thursday..
and as for ladies.. its LADIES NIGHT..
went to Maison, and just to accompany those girls..
the places was like so damn packed.. damn it, car traffic jam i heard n been in it b4.
but human traffic jam, this is my first time..
something happens but yet they don't know...
only me and Giant get to know..
btw just let bygone be bygone..
happy can d.. haha..

How i wish i could turn back the time...

and most important is

*took around 300 pictures..
*and photo to be uploaded soon..
*Or you all can take from me..

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