Wednesday, May 23, 2007

everyday also so tired.. sigh

since so free today, well i will post up my story as a MAID.
know why?? cause my damn noob maid flee..
zzz damn noob ran away last 2 week, so i need to replace her place as a MAID.
being a maid is not easy seriously, so i advise everyone. whoever who have maids in their house..
"appreciate" them and "loves" them, and treat them well..
CAUSE if it happens that ur maid run away, you'll be the victim of cleaning house. lol
haihzz my life actually damn boring d wan la..
Morning, wake up go to college
Afternoon, study in college, trying to spend time wisely
Evening, reaches home, play games
Night, sleep

tats my life when maids are around.
Now it turns out to be more "meaningful"
gotta add a task in the evening slot... WORK AND CLEAN UP HOUSE..

(wash my housing compound, sweep floor, mop floor, clean room, wash toilet, wash plates n cups, and etc etc)

GOD DAMN IT... should i be happy o wat??
HAPPY that i can help lessen my mum's burden


UNHAPPY cause i gotta work like a maid.. arggh
cant even join my fren to parties o even gathering
its all my MAID fault, why wan run away????

oops i mean i miss u to clean up my house.......>.<

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